Monday, 18 June 2007

The Netball Runners-up


Just a quickie for the sake of blogging something.

On the 7th of this month our mixed netball team, the Horny Devils (because of our apparent and rampant lust for naughtiness), made the netball finals.

It was in a glorious semifinal match that we gained our spot in the finals. It had everything; running, stopping suddenly, catching of the ball, racist slagging (albeit by one of our own players against himself) and, the best bit of all, disqualifications against the other team for fielding too many men. They may have beaten us on the scoreboard but we kicked their arses in the rule books. Woohoo. Woohoo indeed.

We try every week to get to the court in a uniform but as you can see we don't get much uniformity.

Here we are post game. posing with our thanks-for-participating blue certificate in Brett's hand as we did not win against the other team. We played very well though, holding them at 11 points which they only got in the first quarter. We were closing except the game wasn't long enough. Isn't that always the way.

From the top row left to right, Sarah, Scotty, Adres (hanging from the rack), Kristy, Erin, my lovely Naomi, Ioan (or Ewan can't spell these damn ethnic names. He's the redhead hanging from the rock climbing grips), Jason, Rebbecca, Brett, and in the front, myself and Ben.

I only ever played one game and some might say I shouldn't include me when talking about the team but I think of myself as a lovable mascot or score keeper and soccer mum (yelling abuse on behalf of my team).

Then there was the after game drinks. Ah, the circle of life.

Ciao. See you all later.

P.S. a big thanks goes to Erin who tirelessly organized everything so that we had something to do on our Thursday nights.

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